Watch the worship service live on Sunday morning at 10:00 AM Central time zone
Ministry to ourselves and to others is one core mission of our church. Worship Services are live streamed on YouTube and broadcast on the local cable channel in Atlantic. Sermons are solidly based on scripture, with Bible texts from both the Old and New Testament applied to our daily lives. Learning about our faith is important to this congregation. Sunday school for 3 year olds through 12th grade is held every Sunday during the school year. The adult Sunday School meets year round. Several small groups study different aspects of the Bible. The Presbyterian Women meet once a month at Heritage House to include those in assisted living housing. The Men’s Breakfast group meet early on Tuesdays at a local restaurant for Bible study before work. The Read Through the Bible group meets each Thursday to discuss the weekly reading.
Head Pastor: The Reverend Doctor Rachelle McCalla has served as pastor of the First United Presbyterian Church in Atlantic, Iowa since 2017. She is a graduate of Hastings College, the University of Dubuque Theological Seminary, with excellence in biblical studies and preaching, and In 2021 she completed the Doctor of Ministry degree in Science and Faith from Pittsburgh Theological Seminary. Prior to her current call, Rachelle served as pastor and campus minister in Nebraska and Wisconsin. Beyond church duties she has served as president of the Atlantic Ministerial Association and is currently the local Booster Club Secretary. She is currently serving on the Presbytery Des Moines’s Commission on Ministry.
- Read the Bible
The class is currently reading the entire New Testament this year. You can start any time. Each Thursday at noon in the Heritage room, The Reverend Doctor Rachelle McCalla discusses the weekly passages read.