The First United Presbyterian Church does mission in several ways.
- Direct mission to local projects and to Our Sister Parrish in El Salvador
- Special Offerings of the PCUSA
- General Mission of the PCUSA
Stewardship is how we use our God-given gifts; it is how we use our talents, our time, and our resources. These are very familiar words, yet they carry a ring of truth. Stewardship is the way we use all our resources to carry on Christ’s work of reconciliation in the world.
Financial giving to the church provides funds in support of our local church’s mission. That mission includes the general operation of the church (staff and building) as well as local and world wide mission of the PCUSA.
You may participate in the mission of our church by giving in several ways. You may call the church office 712-243-2195 to receive information about our Capital Improvement and annual Stewardship campaigns.
- On line giving using the button at the top of this page
It is safe and secure using Vanco Services hosted by the Presbyterian Foundation - Mail your check to First United Presbyterian Church, 616 Chestnut St. Atlantic, Iowa 50022
- Drop your offering in the Offering box at the back of the sanctuary during Sunday Worship.
- Noisy Can Offering
The second Sunday of each month is Noisy Can Offering. During the Time for Children, they go into the congregation and collect pop cans filled with coins that the members have been saving all week. The money goes to support the people of El Rescate in El Salvador. The congregation has committed to a sister parish agreement. Projects directed by the people of El Rescate include solar panels, water tanks and filters, fertilizer and more.